Are you a meat lover who is always on the lookout for the best quality beef? Martins Meats specialises in longhorn beef, which is a premium, high-quality meat that is renowned for its rich flavour and tenderness. In this blog post, we’ll explore what makes longhorn beef from Martins Meats so special and why you should choose it for your next meal.

What is Longhorn Beef?

Longhorn beef is a type of beef that is derived from longhorn cattle. Longhorn cattle are a breed that originated in the north of England, not to be confused with its Texan cousin that has Spanish origins and is known for its long, distinctive horns. Longhorn beef is different from other types of beef because of its leaner and more flavorful meat.

The History of Longhorn Beef

Longhorn cattle have been around for centuries. They are not related to the American or Texas Longhorn whose ancestors came from Spain. English longhorn originated from the north of England and was a draught animal used for its milk and cheese. It was more populated than short-horn cattle until around the 1800s when it became increasingly rare.

Thankfully it was rescued by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust in the 1980s and has been in resurgence ever since.

The Characteristics of Longhorn Beef

Longhorn beef has a unique flavour profile that is unlike any other type of beef. It is leaner than other types of beef, with less marbling, which makes it healthier and lower in calories. However, despite its leaner nature, it is still incredibly flavorful and tender. This is because longhorn cattle are raised on a natural diet of grass, which gives their meat a distinct flavour that is rich and beefy.

Longhorn cattle have an impressive set of horns that can curve down all the way to the nose

Why Choose Longhorn Beef from Martins Meats?

Now that we’ve explored what longhorn beef is, let’s talk about why you should choose it from Martins’ Meats. There are several reasons why Martins Meats is the best choice for longhorn beef.

1. Quality Assurance

Martins Meats is committed to providing the highest quality longhorn beef to its customers. All of our beef is USDA inspected, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and safety.

2. Responsibly Raised

At Martins Meats, we believe in responsible farming practices that promote the health and well-being of our animals and the environment. Our longhorn cattle are raised on a natural diet of grass, ensuring that they are healthy and happy. We also prioritize sustainability, using regenerative farming practices that promote soil health and biodiversity.

3. Unmatched Flavour

Finally, the most important reason to choose longhorn beef from Martins Meats is its unmatched flavour. Grass fed longhorn beef is known for its unique, rich flavour, and Martins Meats takes this to the next level. Our longhorn beef is aged for at least 21 days, ensuring maximum tenderness and flavour. Additionally, we offer a wide variety of cuts, from ribeye to brisket, to ensure that you can find the perfect cut for your next meal.


In conclusion, if you’re a meat lover looking for the best quality beef, look no further than Martins Meats for your next meal.  Additionally, our commitment to quality, responsible farming practices, and unmatched flavour make Martins Meats the best choice for longhorn beef. So why wait? Try our longhorn beef today?

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